MCF Elections 2024
We’re Hiring!
Minnesota Cycling Federation’s Executive board is comprised of four elected and two appointed positions. Elected positions serve terms of two years, and appointed positions are appointed yearly. Last year the President and Secretary were elected, this year we will be taking nominations for Vice President and Treasurer. Calendar Coordinator and Technical Director positions will be appointed as well.
Officer role descriptions and accountabilities are being redefined for next year, and are listed below.
Anyone may nominate themselves or anyone else with the time and drive! The nomination form is below, and we will be taking nominees until the end of the December Members Meeting on December 9th.
Bylaws Overhaul
Early on in 2024, we identified that the existing bylaws for MCF needed work; they were largely outdated and much of what was contained in them was no longer followed or relevant. Throughout the year we have been researching org structures and governing documents for similar organizations, and using that guidance to reformulate our own bylaws.
This election will be conducted under the same interpretation of the existing bylaws as last year, though the new bylaws will be adopted at the beginning of 2025.
Current and revised bylaws are available below, and any feedback regarding the changes may be directed to MCF President Jeff!